Since 1985, SAMCO has applied the skills and techniques needed
to deliver high-value and accurate water leak detection services.
After spending 14 years working in water conservation for the state of Texas, Sam Godfrey knew he could offer a superior customer experience to the water utilities industry, as well as help his customers achieve better results under his own firm. He quickly learned that by getting out in the field—working side-by-side with his customers—that his intuition was spot on. Having never looked back, he’s had the opportunity to serve customers as a water leak detection specialist throughout the state of Texas, coast to coast and, even as far as away as the Caribbean.

SAMCO highlights
- More than 30 years in water leak detection, project management, below ground water pipeline condition assessments and more
- Solid expertise operating acoustic leak detection equipment, developing water conservation procedures and reducing water leak costs
- Outstanding water conservation performance
- Exceptional resource planning and execution of successful programs that prevent main line water leaks, identify small to large underground water leaks and repair expensive water pipeline leaks that otherwise lead to disruption of water service to homes and businesses
- GASB Assistance—GPS Asset & Facility Inventory Collection and Asset Management Systems
- Built alliances with organizations and individuals that have mutual interests in water pipeline mapping, GPS and GIS services
30+ years of experience in the water industry
By engaging SAMCO, you can be assured that you’ll receive the specific, actionable data you need to improve the efficiency and integrity of your system.
With the information generated by our leak survey of your system, you can: