SAMCO Assists Leon Valley In Water Conservation Efforts

Sep 17, 2020 | Blog, News



City of Leon Valley Conducts Leak Detection Survey of Water System In Water Conservation Efforts


SAMCO Leak Detection Services, Inc, has been assisting the City of Leon Valley in their water conservation efforts and has been performing a system wide leak detection survey for the city. The acoustic leak detection survey includes thirty-seven linear miles of water distribution piping, approximately 2,250 water service connections, fire hydrants, and distribution valves will be conducted to identify system leaks and any water loss. A final report outlining the type of leaks and location will be provided to the Public Works Department for repairs.

Leak detection and repair is an essential component in a sound water management program as they are effective methods of accounting for all water usage within a service area.

Water Conservation

Crews from SAMCO Leak Detection Services, Inc., with assistance from the Public Works Department, will be surveying the water system over the next two weeks. SAMCO Leak Detection Services, Inc, has a “boots on the ground” advantage. We can go in when your manpower is limited in assisting with water conservation and leak detection.

Staff pictured from SAMCO Leak Detection Services, Inc. are (Above Left to Right): Tayelar Sheridan, Hunter Skelton, Tim Tevdovich.