Minimize costly water leaks

As an industry leader, SAMCO understands the value of our water resources. Our goal is to eliminate the challenges every utility system faces with water loss from their aging infrastructure to avoid any loss in revenue. We also understand that a certain amount of our treated water cannot be accounted for, but without careful accounting and evaluation, the nature or extent of these losses cannot be defined. As such, SAMCO has the expertise to conduct a thorough water audit of your system. Utilizing the “water balance” approach, we identify the various revenue and non-revenue uses within the system, as well as the apparent and real losses of water from the system.

Using high tech acoustic equipment, SAMCO will inspect your entire water system to identify the exact leak locations. SAMCO inspects all assets and connection including: 

  • Meters
  • Valves
  • Fire hydrants
  • Well sites
  • Storage tanks
  • Sample sites
  • Distribution mains
  • Service lines
  • Water pipelines
  • Water mains

We recognize that minimizing water loss is a very important strategy for water providers, and we believe water loss control is one of the most cost-effective strategies available today.

 Water loss control saves water, reduces operational costs and can improve the financial bottom line by netting uncaptured revenue and lowering production costs.

Count on SAMCO for your water loss control needs

By engaging SAMCO, you can be assured that you’ll receive the specific, actionable data you need to improve the efficiency and integrity of your system. We have the years of experience and proven techniques to bring you the results you need.

With the information generated by our leak survey of your water line system, you can:

  • Extend the useful life of the infrastructure and avoid water service disruptions.
  • Be better prepared to meet water demand during drought conditions.
  • Improve year-round reliability and efficiency of your system.
  • Reduce costs associated with water production, treatment and distribution.
  • Improve customer service and public relations.
  • Help safeguard public health.
  • Reduce liability risks.
  • Be informed of latent, hidden issues which otherwise may remain unknown.

30+ years of experience in the water industry


By engaging SAMCO, you can be assured that you’ll receive the specific, actionable data you need to improve the efficiency and integrity of your system.

With the information generated by our leak survey of your system, you can:

Be informed of latent, hidden issues which otherwise may remain unknown.

Extend the useful life of the infrastructure.

Be better prepared to meet water demand during drought conditions.

Improve year-round reliability and efficiency of your system.

Reduce costs associated with water production, treatment, and distribution.

Improve customer service and public relations.

Help safeguard public health.

Reduce liability risks.

Be informed of latent, hidden issues which otherwise may remain unknown.

Extend the useful life of the infrastructure.

Let’s work together.