The Leak Whisperer

Sep 21, 2015 | News

All about the Infrastructure

Winter allows utilities to assess water systems


We’ve been through it all in 2015: drought, floods, flash drought. You know that the push-and-pull of moisture in the ground could wreak havoc on your infrastructure. To prepare for whatever is coming next year – Texas is a dry state, after all – it’s critical to be proactive in assessing your system so that you can efficiently use the water supplies you do have.

One important piece of that puzzle is making sure your water infrastructure is in good working condition.

Regular analysis of your water system can help reduce water losses by locating physical leakage, confirming water meters are in good working order, and avoiding expensive repairs to roads, sidewalks, and buildings caused by leaking water.

Not only will these steps save precious water when demand peaks next summer, they also save money, and help water systems meet the requirements for state drought plans and collect data to make vital maintenance, budget, and management decisions.

State funding can help pay for repair

Several well-stocked state funds are available to help a utility repair its leaking infrastructure. Here’s a brief list:

  • The Texas Water Development Fund
  • The Water Infrastructure Fund
  • The Rural Water Assistance Fund
  • The Agricultural Water Conservation Grant and Loan Program
  • The Economically Distressed Areas Program

For more information, contact the Texas Water Development Board at 512-563-
4841 or click here.

To find a SAMCO leak detection application just click here,

or call Sam Godfrey at (512) 751-5325 for more information.