SAMCO E-Newsletter

by | Mar 21, 2011 | News

SAMCO Continues Projects in Edwards Aquifer Area

SAMCO Leak Detection continued to assist entities in the Edwards Aquifer with leak detection services in the first quarter of 2011. The goal of all projects was to identify water leaks with the aid of acoustic leak detection surveys, helping to reduce the amount of water being pumped from the Edwards Aquifer.

In March, SAMCO employees conducted a leak survey for the City of Shavano Park. The City of Live Oak benefited from the same services in February. SAMCO is still in the process of completing a similar project started in March for the East Medina County MUD.

In all cases, several leaks and other issues were identified, including main leaks, service line leaks, meter box leaks, leaking fire hydrants, unmetered connections, customer side leaks, and leaking and inoperable valves. Recommendations for more efficient water use and accountability were offered in each case.

Reminder: EAA Grant Application Deadline Approaching

As we mentioned in the December issue, the Edwards Aquifer Authority initiated its own Groundwater Conservation Plan (GCP) in 2009 that offered matching grants on a competitive basis to provide financial assistance in implementing water conservation programs. To clarify, the program is only open to municipal and industrial permit holders at this time. The next application deadline is April 30, 2011. Please visit the EAA’s conservation grant webpage for more information.

For more information on leak detection services, be sure to visit with Sam Godfrey of SAMCO at one of the following events:

Texas Water 2011

April 5-8
Ft. Worth Convention Center
Visit SAMCO at Booth #741

Post Oak Savannah GCD Workshops

Effective Metering & Leak Detection and POSGCD 2011 Grant Program
April 19 – Milano Community Center
April 20 – Caldwell Civic Center
Sam will be speaking at these free workshops; call the GCD office at 800-231-8196 by April 12 to register

Sam enjoyed meeting many of you at his presentation Feb. 5 at the Association of Water Board Directors Mid-Winter Conference in Galveston. Over 200 attendees were present to learn about the value of leak detection.

Other Recent Projects

SAMCO continues to provide valuable, money-saving assistance in the Houston area. As the cost of water continues to rise due to pumping fees and regulations, it becomes more critical to stop water loss due to leaks. In addition to the entities mentioned in the previous issue, in recent months SAMCO assisted Southwest Water Company with Reid Road MUD #2, H2O Consulting with Harris County MUD #162, and Advantage Water with Harris County MUD #63.

Upcoming projects in the next quarter include inspection projects in Acton MUD, Jonah SUD, and River Place MUD. SAMCO will also be working with several entities with which they have annual maintenance contracts. These contracts assist the clients with proactive planning and preventative maintenance on their systems, saving money and preventing water loss. Harris County MUD #18, El Campo, and the cities of La Grange, San Marcos, and Kilgore are just of a few of the places that will benefit from these annual maintenance contracts in the next quarter. To join them in this kind of pre-planning any time during the year, contact the SAMCO team for more information.

If you are interested in filling out a leak application form click here,
or for more information call (512) 263-7043.

To find a SAMCO leak detection application just click here,

or call Sam Godfrey at (512) 751-5325 for more information.